Management Archives - AdvantEdge Training & Consulting
Management, Virtual Employee Management

Effectively Manage Remote Employees

Quickly disappearing are the days of companies where all employees are based in one office.  In our globally shrinking competitive landscape, drivers for this change include: speed to service, less travel cost with clients being spread out, and improved customer service.   This creates challenges in company expectations of remote employees, and in effectively managing a remote workforce. Managing remote employees can prove rewarding, liberating and fulfilling . . . or you can feel like an empty nest parent whose kids don’t stay in touch.  You can’t manage a team of remotely dispersed employees with all of the same techniques, which used in the past, for supervising a group based in the same office.  There are some specific skills and techniques you need to use as a manager to make sure you have a strong team that doesn’t feel disconnected by the miles. Get the right skills to manage remote employees MCT’s online Remote Employee Management course teaches you the techniques you can employee to make sure you have a strong team, including: Keeping Remote Employees on Track – Remote employees are more apt to stray off course, by focusing on what they think is important, rather than what you think is important.  Its not that they are being malicious; they can just become easily disconnected with the overall objectives of the team and company when they are teleworking.  In this module, you will learn how to keep them on the right path, by setting clear visions and expectations, so there is no confusion about how they can be a successful part of the team. Increase and Don’t Delay Communication – With a virtual team, how can you make sure that they are getting the information they need without information overload? How do you insure that you are using the correct communication tools?  What is the appropriate way to communicate with a virtual team?  In this module, we will cover the different communication tools and channels to use, how to make your meetings run efficiently, and how to ensure you are engaged in accurate communication with your team, ensuring that they are getting the info they need to work just as if all in one office. Building Team Strength and Developing Trust – If not managed correctly, remote and teleworking teams are really not teams.  Instead they become a bunch of individuals working alone in silos that happen to report to the same manager.   However, that doesn’t have to be the case.  If managed correctly, remote teams can be strong, closer, and work better together than those based in the same office.  In this module you will learn how to create dynamic and interactive teams that have a closely woven team community, and strong trust, with mutual respect.  You will also learn how you can insure that your communication with them is clear and credible. Creating Accountability – One of the biggest company fears about a teleworking teams is that they will not be working when you can’t see them.  Unfortunately, this fear can lead to a micro-management style that gets you the opposite results of what you want.  So how can you hold your team accountable without becoming an micro-manager?  This module shows you how to empower your employees to manage themselves and how to create an accountability tracking system so YOU don’t have to be that system. Coaching Remote Employees – How can you effectively coach and develop your team of virtual employees when they are not based in the same office with you? Motivating Remote Employees – A team of dispersed working employees need a self-charged motivation technique.  How do you keep them excited and engaged in their work and with the team?  This module will show you techniques to create that self-charged motivation.  Also you will learn how to get your team as excited about work as they are about playing. Take the online course, or have us come to your location for a private group training for your management team.

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Management 101 – The Basics

Have you recently stepped into a Management role, or are you planning to in the near future?  Management is both a very rewarding and challenging job all, if it is done right.  You must be a leader, coach, and motivator for your team. Ultimately, you work for your employees.  You are the person who removes obstacles for them, helps them succeed, you are their representative to the company, ensure they get needed company information, get them needed training and feedback, lead them by example, show them how to reach the vision through defining expectations and goals.  Basically, your job is to help them reach the finish line.  Whew!  And all of this has to happen while doing other job tasks for your company. So how do you know if you are doing all of that successfully?  Here are the 6 keys to successfully managing a team of employees: Lay a Clear Foundation – No one wants to do a bad job. But employees often fail because they have a misunderstanding of what doing a good job looks like.  It is important as a manager to lay  very clear groundwork for what is expected of employees to be successful.  This will help keep your team on track toward the same purpose and results. Create Accountability Systems – If you don’t create an accountability system for your employees, then YOU will have to be that system, meaning you will always have to micro-manage all of their tasks to see if they are completing them. Instead, create an accountability system where they report their progress to you, therefore holding themselves accountable and managing themselves at task level.  This will give them the responsibility of meeting their goals, with less headache for you, and generate a more collaborative and engaged work environment. Engage in Active Listening and Empathy – You have to care about your employees as individuals and you have to let them know you do, if you want to have a high level of respect and trust within your team. Two important ways to do this are to engage in active listening when interacting with them, as well as demonstrating empathy.  It is also important to find ways to foster this practice among team members as well. Pro-Active, Candid, and Ongoing Coaching – Good coaches coach before, during, and after the game. So make sure you are always finding opportunities to coach your employees, on good as well as not so good behaviors.  The moment we stop developing our employees (even our best of the bunch) is the moment we are telling them we don’t care about them. Develop a Team Culture – Team cohesion and strength doesn’t just happen on its own. It takes some fostering on your part, as a manager.  You need to find opportunities for your team members to work together on projects, as well as to learn who each of their team mates are as individuals outside of what they just do as a work role. Ask Questions – Too often as managers, we can fall into the “fix-it” role, where we are always in problem solving mode. Although it is true that we need to be there for our teams to help solve issues, we can be better at it if we learn to stop and ask questions first, before we jump in.  If we jump in to solve issues right away, we become part of the chaos.  Instead, it’s important to always be in analysis mode first, and gather as much information as possible before we offer solutions or opinions.  Better yet, guide your employees down the path of solving issues themselves, by engaging them in discussions around solutions, by asking questions rather than providing answers. Want to learn how to incorporate each of these keys into your management style?  AETC’s Management 101 class will give you all these tools and more to get you on your way to having a productive and engaged team of employees.

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Management, Professional Development

Developing your Organization’s Training Program

Anyone who has tried it knows that employee development and training is not as easy as just bringing in an SME to ramble on and on about what they know. There are quite a few hurdles to get over just to get something on the schedule, not to mention to ensure a quality learning experience.You may work with training providers (or in-house instructors) regularly, or on an as-needed basis; or, possibly, you have not had to work through what your organization’s training needs are yet. In any case, here are a few things to consider when planning an employee-training event: Subject Matter Experts are NOT the same as professional instructors. Would you want to learn piano from Beethoven? While it is obvious that an instructor needs to know their course, they also need to understand and practice adult learning principles, or none of that lovely content will be retained after class lets out. A good instructor can simultaneously wrangle the distracted student (cell phones?), the heckler, the know-it-all, and the daydreamer, all while keeping the class interesting and on pace.Look for a training provider that has true, professional instructors who understand adult learning theories, and have experience actually teaching. Course content matters. There are plenty of books out there that offer insight into the topic you are interested in. Many read like instructions for assembling furniture. Some try to cover every single bit of minutia related to the topic, while others are too vague to be useful. The best content does several things at once. It brings the student into the topic and keeps them engaged. It changes pace and delivery, keeping people interested and active. It covers material that is important to the student, their role and function, and their personal life. It is information dense, while not requiring a PhD to understand.Ask potential training providers about their courses. Where do they get their content? How often is it updated? How long have they been using it? Can it be tailored to fit your specific situation, needs, and goals? The best providers will develop courses in-house (Instructional design). Logistics. With most training companies offering self-paced, on-line classes, there are a wealth of show times to be had. But what if you want good, old fashioned in-person instruction? Where do you go? How do you know if it is what you need? Will it be a conference room at the hotel by the airport, or an actual classroom? In addition, what comes with the class?A solid training company will offer live, in-person, hands-on instruction, not as a special arrangement this one time, but as their default method to be able to teach on-site. Logistics are very different for one or two people than they are for a larger group; so look for policies that take different scenarios into account, and not a one-size-fits-all philosophy. Support. All right, you have planned your party. So, will anyone show up? The biggest fear training planners (OD, HR, and managers) have is going through the work to schedule training, and then no one shows. Also, what happens after class? Will your folks be left alone in the cold?If you really want to be assured that your training provider understands ALL facets of employee development, ask them if they help drive attendance to your classes. How do they help pack a room once the training is scheduled? Then, after training, is there any additional support? What can they do to help people use what they just learned? If they do not offer these support services, why not?At the end of the day, there is more to it than just sitting someone in front of a monitor to watch a video. Look for effective instructors, meaningful course content and class materials, and expect support throughout the training, and beyond. Most important of all, there is no training quite as effective as live, in-person, hands-on training. Need more help developing an effective training program for your organization? AdvantEdge Training & Consulting has the expertise you need.  Contact our sales office for more information, including private group training, at (303) 900-8963, or [email protected].

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Spring Cleaning

Ah, spring. The winter chill is leaving and being replaced by the smell of flowers. The days are growing longer, and the sun is inspiring us to shake off the feeling of hibernation and embrace the fresh and the new. Get out the mops and brooms and put a shine on your world! In terms of your career, Spring Cleaning can mean that it is time to evaluate your skills, and whether or not they are still advancing your professional goals.  Perhaps you are finding that your Microsoft Office skills are a bit out of date, with today’s versions of the application. On the other hand, maybe you feel like you are stagnating in your current position, and would like to move into management.  Or, possibly, you just need to sweep away some of the clutter in your working life, to get better organized and use better time management. Or maybe you want to find new ways to energize yourself with a course on how to Keep Yourself Motivated. It could even be that you want to fine tune your social interaction skills to be more emotionally intelligent and learn to more effectively communicate with your coworkers. Whatever you feel you need to hone your skills for the next season of your career, AdvantEdge Training & Consulting has you covered. Whether it is learning a new computer application, or stepping forward with professional development skills, AETC has the training that can shake you out of the winter doldrums, and let you embrace the full potential of this new season. Check our website and full schedule of training center classes to see all that we have to offer. Register online, or contact our sales office for more information, including private group training, at (303) 900-8963, or [email protected].

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Business Communications, Emotional Intelligence, Management

Employee Team Breakdown

Are you spending more time managing the interpersonal relationships between your employees than actually helping your team meet their goals? Is communication between your team members wrought with tension? Do you sometimes feel like you are working with a bunch of 12 year-olds, instead of business professionals? Is your office more like a war zone than a productive work environment? Then your employees are likely experiencing a team breakdown. When employees feel supported by good managers, are able to communicate effectively with each other, and make sound, non-emotionally charged decisions in the work place, productivity goes dramatically up. When any of these factors go awry, too much time is spent navigating the minefield of a hostile work environment for the team to be performing at its best. In the worst case, you will lose quality team members, as they no longer feel valued or supported by their team. Rebuild your Team AdvantEdge Training & Consulting has a variety of courses that can diffuse workplace tensions, and get your team back on track toward peak productivity. Emotional Intelligence is one of the peak predictors of highly successful people. This class can help students understand how their personal Map of the World informs their decisions, as well as learn the best ways for working with others on their team. AETC’s Management 101 class will help build strong management skills, allowing even the novice manager to understand the key role management plays in the productivity of their team, as well as how to embody the powerful force of Service Leadership. When communications break down, our Effective Business Communication class can break through misunderstandings between team members to allow information to flow freely once more. Conflict Management can be key to easing stress within your team, so that they can focus on the tasks at hand, instead of interpersonal tensions. Start building the best team from the ground up by learning the important skills of Behavioral Interviewing. Once you have the right people hired, learn the specific skills managers need to get everyone working together and trusting each other with AETC’s Team Building There are unique management skills needed for those who head employees who work outside of a central office. Our online self-paced Managing Remote Employees course can help you master the unique techniques needed to manage a team of employees dispersed across multiple locations. This course is also offered in a live instructor led format as well. Before your team suffers from a complete breakdown, get the training needed to keep employees productive and feeling supported by management, as well as their fellow team members, with training from AdvantEdge Training & Consulting. Register online, or contact our sales office for more information, including private group training, at (303) 900-8963 or [email protected].

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Revolutionary Learning – Management with Compassion

We have all had those “Aha” moments, when the blinders are removed, the light bulb goes on, and things become clear. These revolutionary learning experiences can radically change our entire approach to our jobs, or even life. Here we look at one revolutionary shift managers can make to be truly exceptional. The Adversarial Manager Many people view the role of management as a one of power, one in which the manager exerts control over their team. This adversarial approach to management is rife with problems that can negatively impact the success of an entire team. Consider, for a moment, Brian, a manager of a sales team. Brian believes that his position as manager means that he has been elevated above his employees, that they must serve him, and that his position demands that they respect him. In meetings, he tends to berate his employees for missing deadlines and quotas. Any attempt at discussing issues the team is facing, he interprets as whining or making excuses. In general, Brian does not respect the ideas of his team members, and instead expects them to do as he says, in the way he wants, with little guidance or discussion. He has been known to complain about how much time it takes to “deal with” his team; they know their job; they should just do it.  As a result, Brian’s employees tend to avoid talking to him. In meetings, they tend to keep their heads down and their mouths shut, anything to not draw Brian’s ire. Creative thinking is not encouraged. Collaboration between team members is rarely seen. When obstacles arise, or mistakes are made, each employee tries to handle the situation himself or herself, so that Brian never has to know about it. Or they point fingers at each other so they are not the one to fall under his wrath.  This often means a small issue turns into a crisis. Brian’s assumption is that his employees are trying to do as little work as possible, to get away with as much “goofing off” as they can get away with. In such an environment, strong team members tend to exit as quickly as their abilities will allow them to find a better situation, one in which they can grow, advance, and thrive. Those employees who remain tend to not be very invested in their own success, let alone that of the team. Brian definitely controls his team, but he does so through fear, not respect or compassion, and the team’s success is definitely limited. What would Brian’s team look like if he approached them not as his underlings or adversaries, but instead viewed them as competent team members who were invested in their success? Management with Compassion Successful managers reject the idea that their relationship with their team is adversarial in nature.  Managing from a place of compassion means that a manager understands that their respect has to be earned, not demanded.  This respect is built, not by controlling team members, not by yelling at them, but instead by showing them compassion, by understanding that each employee is doing the best that they can with what they have to work with. If an employee is missing the mark, it is the manager’s job to work with them to find what they need to rise to the challenges. A manager’s true role is to serve their team. This is the concept of Servant Leadership. This means that the manager knows his job is to find what it takes to help his team reach the finish line, to be successful. Instead of demanding and controlling, a compassionate manager nurtures their employees, helping them to find their strengths, and to overcome any obstacles with creative problem solving and as a team. A manager who serves his team helps them thrive. The Elements of Compassion What are important elements of managing from a place of compassion? Empathy – Employees want to be heard and understood. If an employee has an issue, a compassionate manager listens, acknowledges the problem, then works with that employee to find a solution that accommodates the employee’s situation, as well as reaches the team’s objectives. An employee who feels their needs have been addressed will, in turn, double-down on their investment in their team’s success. Loyalty – Employees want to know their manager has their back. Your job is to facilitate between your team and your organization’s administration and/or between your team and your clients. Yes, there are always certain parameters that guide those relationships, but team members need to know that you are facilitating their success, not selling them out. Think, “My team is making sure that the report is as thorough and accurate as possible, before giving you the final version,” versus “You know how my team is, always late. Heads will roll.” Time – Some managers do complain, like Brian, that their employees take up a great deal of their time. Employees will go to a manager with HR issues, successes, obstacles, progress reports, requests, questions, etc. Instead of viewing this as a time consuming activity, understand that this is, in fact, the heart of the job. The manager is the information hub of the entire team. Fulfilling that role simply takes time and the willingness to listen Patience – Employees are human. They make mistakes. They have lives outside of work. They have emotions and preferences, and a whole host of other messy things. Yelling at them, or demanding that they be nothing but a work-oriented automaton does not get the job done. Working with them to find solutions for on-going issues takes compassion, time, and listening. For example, an employee regularly misses a deadline for a mid-project status report. An adversarial manager would likely just yell at the employee every time the deadline is missed. A compassionate manager, instead, discusses the problem to find out what is really going on. Are other team members not getting information on their status to her in a timely manner? Is

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Your Annual Training Plan

How does your organization, or even your office, handle employee development and training? Is there an annual or ongoing plan, complete with schedule and a variety of courses? Or is it handled on a case by case basis? The most efficient and effective path is to have a master plan that takes into account individual growth needs, as well as the overall direction of the company. But how do you put something like that together? Where do you even start? The Right Training Plan That’s where AdvantEdge Training & Consulting comes in. We work with you to determine what the training needs are across the board, as well as for each person. From there, a training schedule is developed, often with a combination of on-site,  group classes, and classes at our training centers. We even have online assessments available to help determine where the needs are, to help with scheduling the right classes for the right people. Depending on the overall plan, AETC can even help you market your annual training schedule to your employees, so they know what is available to them and how to sign up. After all, no one wants to throw a party and have no one show up! In addition to assessing needs, developing an ongoing training schedule, and advertising classes to your team, AdvantEdge Training & Consulting can even tailor courses to fit your specific situation, needs, and goals. Because we develop our own course content and materials, we are able to customize existing courses to best fit, or even create new content for your organization from the ground up. If you already have a master training plan in place, we’re happy to work with you to fulfill it. If you would like to create a curriculum tailor-fit for your organization, but aren’t sure how to get started, the first step is to give us a call. And for those who are handling employee training on an as-needed basis, that’s alright too. We’ve got plenty of classes available for each individual. Want to learn more about what we have to offer? Contact our sales office, at (303) 900-8963, or [email protected]

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Training Vouchers Save You Money!

Did you know AdvantEdge Training & Consulting offers prepaid training vouchers for all of our training center class seats? Training vouchers can be redeemed toward class registrations, and are good for a full year. Discounts are available for purchasing multiple vouchers, starting with as few as five! We offer vouchers for all of our training center class formats and locations, including half-day and full-day classes, multi-day, and boot camps. Buy before the end of the year and get 2022 classes at 2021 prices! Contact our sales office for more information at (303) 900-8963, or [email protected].

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Customized Training for Your Company!

  Are you struggling with employees who attend training, and then do not feel as though it was worth their time out of the office?   At AdvantEdge Training & Consulting, we believe in delivering Training that is relevant to your job – We teach you the stuff you can actually use. Training doesn’t have to be a one size fits all solution. Too often training classes can be long, tedious, and cover information that is not relevant to a majority of the group.  We focus on training that is relevant to your organization’s needs.  Our software classes always focus on a business scenario, to both help students better retain the information and understand how they can apply it to their own work situations. If you want to make it even more specific to your needs, we can create customized courses for a group of your employees, delivered at your company location.  We can offer basic customization where you pick the topics from our standard content that you would like covered.  Because we write most of our own content, it gives you more flexibility, to design the specific course you would like.  Or, you can go even further, and have us develop an even more highly customized courses using your own company data and scenarios. For example, if you want to learn about Excel charts and lookup formulas, we can combine those topics from two of our standard classes, into one specialized class for your group.  Or if you have specific issues with your team as far as motivation, attitude, or peer conflicts, we can create a course to address those specific needs by pulling focused topics from our Communications, Emotional Intelligence, and Conflict Management courses. Some examples of custom courses we have created include: Ethics for IT How to Excel as an Administrator (including Communications and EQ topics) Managing in an IT Environment Presenting with PowerPoint Emotional Intelligence for Managers Being an Effective Member of a Team Automation Techniques in Excel   Add a workshop.  To add even more retention and relevance to your training package, we recommend adding a workshop.  It’s like adult study hall that allows employees to come and get instructor assistance, directly applying what they learned to their specific work projects. Our goal is to give you twice the knowledge in half the time, and provide relevant training that sticks, so you can Learn More, Retain More, and Use More. Call us at (303) 900-8963, to see how we can create the perfect course for your company.

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Management 101

What makes a good manager? We are all familiar with the beast, a micromanaging control freak who rules their team by fear instead of empowerment and motivation. Most employees not only fail to give their best to such a manager, they are often quickly looking for the exit door. If you are just stepping into a management position, or looking to improve your skills in order to move up the corporate ladder, AdvantEdge Training & Consulting’s Management 101 course will give you what you need to effectively manage your team and get the best results out of them. This course gives you strong leadership skills, tools to motivate and track employee performance, and techniques for handling issues within your team. We will even give you the knowledge needed to build the strongest team to reach your desired results.  Management 101 can turn you into the manager for which you always wished you had worked. Further develop your management skills with other courses from our Management Training series, or advance your career with other Professional Development courses from AdvantEdge Training & Consulting. Register online, or contact our sales office for more information, including private group training, at (303) 900-8963 or [email protected] For our full calendar of classes, please visit our website.

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If you have at least 5 people we can create a session just for you.  Or, you can contact us for a private session. Contact Us

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