Your Annual Training Plan

Training PlanHow does your organization, or even your office, handle employee development and training? Is there an annual or ongoing plan, complete with schedule and a variety of courses? Or is it handled on a case by case basis? The most efficient and effective path is to have a master plan that takes into account individual growth needs, as well as the overall direction of the company.
But how do you put something like that together? Where do you even start?

The Right Training Plan

That’s where AdvantEdge Training & Consulting comes in. We work with you to determine what the training needs are across the board, as well as for each person. From there, a training schedule is developed, often with a combination of on-site,  group classes, and classes at our training centers. We even have online assessments available to help determine where the needs are, to help with scheduling the right classes for the right people.
Depending on the overall plan, AETC can even help you market your annual training schedule to your employees, so they know what is available to them and how to sign up. After all, no one wants to throw a party and have no one show up! In addition to assessing needs, developing an ongoing training schedule, and advertising classes to your team, AdvantEdge Training & Consulting can even tailor courses to fit your specific situation, needs, and goals. Because we develop our own course content and materials, we are able to customize existing courses to best fit, or even create new content for your organization from the ground up.
If you already have a master training plan in place, we’re happy to work with you to fulfill it. If you would like to create a curriculum tailor-fit for your organization, but aren’t sure how to get started, the first step is to give us a call. And for those who are handling employee training on an as-needed basis, that’s alright too. We’ve got plenty of classes available for each individual.
Want to learn more about what we have to offer? Contact our sales office, at (303) 900-8963, or [email protected]
Start your training plan

If you have at least 5 people we can create a session just for you.  Or, you can contact us for a private session. Contact Us

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