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Microsoft Teams, team collaboration, productivity
Professional Development

Building Effective Teams with Microsoft Teams

In the evolving landscape of work, collaboration tools have become indispensable in enhancing team productivity and communication. Microsoft Teams, a cornerstone of modern teamwork infrastructure, provides a comprehensive platform that supports seamless collaboration and communication. This article delves into how organizations can leverage Microsoft Teams to build effective teams and foster a collaborative work environment that drives productivity. Centralizing Communication Microsoft Teams simplifies communication by centralizing it in a single, accessible platform. This consolidation helps reduce the time spent switching between different communication tools and ensures that all team members are on the same page. Key features include: Chat and Conversations: Teams allow users to have private chats or group conversations. This flexibility facilitates quick discussions and decision-making processes without the need for lengthy email threads. Voice and Video Calls: With integrated video and voice calling, Teams enables real-time communication among team members, regardless of their location. This feature is crucial for remote or geographically dispersed teams. Meeting Tools: Teams integrate various tools to enhance meeting productivity, including screen sharing, recording, and real-time note-taking. These tools make meetings more engaging and productive. Enhancing Collaboration with Integrated Apps One of the strengths of Microsoft Teams is its ability to integrate with a wide range of apps and services. This integration capability enhances team collaboration by allowing users to access and use various tools without leaving the team’s environment. Key integrations include: Office 365 Apps: Seamless integration with Office 365 apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote allows team members to collaborate on documents directly within Teams. This real-time collaboration ensures that everyone has the latest updates and can contribute simultaneously. Third-Party Apps: Teams supports integration with numerous third-party apps such as Asana, Trello, and GitHub. This allows teams to customize their workspace to include tools specific to their work requirements and workflows. Custom Bots and Workflows: Teams supports the creation of custom bots and automated workflows through Microsoft Power Automate. These bots and workflows can automate routine tasks, streamline processes, and improve overall efficiency. Organizing Teams and Projects Microsoft Teams allows organizations to create dedicated channels for specific projects or topics. This organizational capability helps keep conversations organized and relevant to the team members involved. Key organizational features include: Channels: Teams can create channels focused on specific topics, projects, or departments. This organization helps reduce clutter and ensures that discussions are targeted and relevant. Privacy Settings: Channels can be made private or public within the organization, providing control over who can see or participate in certain discussions. File Storage and Sharing: Teams integrates with SharePoint and OneDrive, providing robust solutions for file storage and sharing. This integration ensures that all team members have access to the necessary files and that document version control is maintained. Fostering a Culture of Transparency and Inclusivity Microsoft Teams promotes transparency and inclusivity by making it easy for all team members to participate in conversations and access shared information. Features like the activity feed and the ability to easily search for past conversations ensure that even team members who join a project late can quickly get up to speed. Tracking Progress and Accountability Microsoft Teams helps teams track progress on tasks and projects. Through integrations with Planner and Microsoft To Do, teams can assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress directly within the Teams platform. This visibility helps ensure accountability and keeps projects on track. Microsoft Teams is a powerful tool for building effective teams by enhancing collaboration, centralizing communication, and streamlining project management. By leveraging its comprehensive set of features and integrations, organizations can create a more productive, transparent, and inclusive work environment. As teams become more adept at using these tools, their potential to drive productivity and achieve organizational goals increases significantly.

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leadership training, professional development, organizational success
Professional Development

Leadership Training: Why It Matters

Leadership training is a critical component of organizational development, often seen as an essential investment rather than a discretionary expense. Effective leadership is pivotal to the success of any organization, influencing everything from day-to-day operations to long-term strategic goals. This article explores the numerous benefits of leadership training and its profound impact on organizational success. Enhancing Leadership Skills and Competencies Leadership training programs are designed to cultivate essential skills and competencies that are crucial for effective leadership. These include strategic thinking, effective communication, problem-solving, and team management. Training helps leaders: Develop Strategic Vision: Leaders are trained to see the big picture and plan accordingly. This ability is crucial for steering the organization towards long-term success and sustainability. Improve Communication Skills: Effective communication is vital for leadership success. Training helps leaders learn how to clearly and persuasively communicate goals, feedback, and expectations to their teams. Foster Decision-Making Abilities: Leadership involves making tough decisions. Training provides leaders with the tools to make informed, ethical, and timely decisions that can significantly impact the organization. Boosting Employee Engagement and Productivity Leaders directly influence employee engagement and productivity. Well-trained leaders can motivate their teams, foster a positive work environment, and address issues that may hinder productivity. Leadership training: Increases Employee Retention: Leaders who engage and inspire their teams reduce turnover rates. Employees are more likely to stay with an organization where they feel valued and see growth opportunities. Enhances Team Performance: Effective leaders know how to marshal their teams’ strengths toward achieving common goals. Training helps leaders learn the dynamics of team management and performance enhancement. Facilitating Change Management Organizations constantly face changes that require effective leadership to manage. Leadership training prepares leaders to handle transitions smoothly, whether they involve technological advancements, shifts in market conditions, or internal restructuring. Trained leaders are better equipped to: Manage Resistance to Change: Leaders learn strategies to overcome resistance by communicating the benefits and managing the uncertainties associated with change. Implement Effective Change Strategies: Training provides leaders with models and tools to ensure successful change implementation, minimizing disruptions to operations. Improving Organizational Culture Leadership training has a significant impact on organizational culture, which influences morale, productivity, and employee engagement. Through training, leaders learn how to: Cultivate a Positive Workplace Environment: Leaders set the tone for the organizational culture. Training helps them create an environment that promotes fairness, respect, and collaboration. Model Desired Behaviors: Leaders are role models in an organization. Training emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior and integrity, which are critical for maintaining trust and credibility. Driving Innovation and Competitive Advantage In today’s fast-paced business environment, innovation is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Leadership training encourages leaders to: Foster Creativity and Innovation: Leaders learn how to encourage creative thinking and innovation within their teams, driving the organization forward. Respond Proactively to Industry Trends: Trained leaders are better prepared to anticipate and react to industry shifts, enabling their organizations to adapt and thrive in competitive markets. Leadership training is an invaluable investment that yields significant returns, impacting every level of the organization. By enhancing leadership skills, fostering a positive organizational culture, and preparing leaders to manage change effectively, training programs play a crucial role in driving organizational success. As such, organizations committed to long-term viability and competitiveness should prioritize and continually invest in leadership development.

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Microsoft Outlook, workflow optimization, email management
Professional Development

Streamlining Workflow with Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is more than just an email client. It is a comprehensive tool designed to manage not only emails but also calendars, tasks, contacts, and more. In today’s fast-paced work environment, efficiently managing daily tasks and communications is crucial. This article explores how to optimize your workflow using the robust features of Microsoft Outlook, enhancing productivity and ensuring you stay on top of your work demands. Email Management and Organization One of the primary functions of Microsoft Outlook is email management. Given the volume of emails most professionals receive daily, effective management is essential. Outlook provides several tools and features to streamline this process: Folders and Categories: Organize emails into folders and assign categories with different colors. This system not only makes it easier to find specific emails but also allows you to prioritize and manage emails more effectively. Rules: Automate routine actions and manage incoming mail with Outlook’s Rules feature. For example, you can set rules to automatically move emails from a specific sender to a designated folder, mark them as read or flag them for follow-up, reducing manual sorting and saving time. Search Folders: Create custom search folders to gather emails that meet specific criteria, such as all emails related to a particular project or from a certain person. This makes it easy to access all relevant communications without searching through your entire inbox. Calendar and Scheduling Outlook’s calendar management is a powerful tool for streamlining your workflow. It allows you to schedule and manage appointments, meetings, and events efficiently: Shared Calendars: Share your calendar with colleagues to facilitate easy scheduling of meetings and visibility of your availability. This reduces the back-and-forth often associated with scheduling and ensures that everyone is aligned. Meeting Invitations and Responses: Send meeting invitations directly from Outlook and track who has accepted, declined, or not responded. This feature simplifies the organization of meetings and allows you to make adjustments based on participant availability. Reminders: Set reminders for important tasks and appointments. Outlook provides notifications to ensure you never miss a deadline or meeting, helping you manage your time effectively. Task Management Outlook’s task management features enable you to track your to-do list within the same platform you use for your email and calendar: Tasks and To-Do List: Create tasks from emails by dragging and dropping an email into your tasks list. This feature is particularly useful for emails that require action, such as a request for work or a follow-up reminder. Prioritization and Categories: Prioritize tasks by setting deadlines and using categories or flags to denote urgency. This helps you focus on what needs to be done first, aiding in effective time management. Status Updates: Update tasks with statuses such as “In Progress” or “Completed,” providing a clear overview of what has been accomplished and what still needs attention. Integration with Microsoft Teams and Other Apps Outlook integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft Office apps, particularly Microsoft Teams, enhancing collaboration and communication: Teams Meetings: Schedule and join Microsoft Teams meetings directly from Outlook. This integration ensures that all meeting-related emails and calendar events are synchronized, offering a cohesive user experience. OneNote Integration: Link your OneNote notes to meetings and emails in Outlook. This is especially useful for meeting notes that can be directly connected to the relevant Outlook calendar event. Microsoft Outlook offers a plethora of features designed to streamline various aspects of daily workflow. By effectively utilizing these tools for email management, calendar scheduling, task tracking, and integration with other applications, professionals can enhance their productivity and manage their time more efficiently. As workplaces continue to evolve, leveraging such powerful tools becomes essential to managing work demands effectively and maintaining a competitive edge in any professional setting.

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Professional Development

The Importance of Soft Skills in a Digital Age

As the digital age accelerates, technical skills have become a fundamental requirement across many industries. However, the significance of soft skills remains undiminished—perhaps even becoming more crucial as technology reshapes the way we work. Soft skills such as communication, teamwork, adaptability, and problem-solving play a pivotal role in enhancing career growth, particularly in tech-driven environments. This article explores how these competencies complement technical expertise and drive professional success in a rapidly evolving workplace. The Balance of Technical Proficiency and Interpersonal Skills In the context of technology-heavy roles, technical skills are a given; they are the entry ticket. Yet, the integration of soft skills with technical acumen can dramatically enhance an individual’s effectiveness. For instance, a developer who can articulate complex technical jargon in simple terms for clients and stakeholders adds more value than one who cannot. Similarly, project managers with strong interpersonal skills are likely to lead projects more successfully by navigating the challenges of team dynamics more effectively than those who focus solely on technical aspects. The balance of these skills often becomes the differentiator in career progression, influencing promotions, leadership opportunities, and even hiring decisions. Employers increasingly look for individuals who not only have the necessary technical knowledge but can also manage, lead, and innovate within their roles. Communication and Collaboration Effective communication is at the heart of successful tech projects. As teams become more diverse and geographically dispersed, the ability to communicate clearly across different platforms becomes crucial. This includes not only verbal and written communication but also the ability to listen and interpret the needs and feedback of others accurately. Collaboration, too, is essential in a digital landscape where cross-functional teams work on complex projects. Professionals who excel at teamwork can integrate diverse viewpoints, leverage collective knowledge, and foster an environment of mutual respect and cooperation, leading to more innovative and effective solutions. Adaptability and Continuous Learning The tech industry is synonymous with rapid change, making adaptability an indispensable soft skill. Professionals who can quickly adjust to new technologies, workflows, and industry standards—and who can manage the stress that often accompanies such changes—are more valuable to their organizations. Continuous learning is another critical aspect of adaptability. The willingness to learn and the ability to unlearn and relearn are vital as new technologies displace older ones. Soft skills like curiosity and a growth mindset empower individuals to seek out new knowledge and skills voluntarily, keeping them relevant and competitive in their careers. Leadership and Emotional Intelligence Leadership in the digital age isn’t confined to those in management positions; it’s a critical skill for all levels within an organization. Leadership skills like decision-making, conflict resolution, and delegation are complemented by emotional intelligence, which involves understanding one’s emotions and those of others to enhance decision-making and team interaction. In technology sectors, where projects can be highly stressful and deadlines tight, the ability to manage one’s emotions and help others navigate their feelings can lead to better teamwork and productivity. Professionals who exhibit strong leadership and emotional intelligence are often seen as assets to their organizations, promoting a healthier work environment and enhancing project success. Problem Solving and Innovation Innovation is at the forefront of technological advancement and competitive advantage. Soft skills such as creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving enable professionals to devise effective solutions and think outside the box. In tech-driven fields, the ability to approach problems from different angles and come up with innovative solutions can significantly impact a company’s success. The emphasis on soft skills in conjunction with technical abilities in the digital age cannot be overstated. As automation and artificial intelligence take over more routine tasks, the human elements of creativity, empathy, adaptability, and interpersonal communication become the main drivers of innovation and growth. For professionals looking to advance their careers in tech-driven environments, cultivating these soft skills is as essential as developing technical expertise.

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Excel skills, productivity, advanced Excel
Professional Development

Maximizing Productivity with Advanced Excel Skills

In the modern workplace, proficiency in Microsoft Excel is more than a desirable skill—it is often a critical component of job performance. Excel’s powerful features for analyzing data, performing complex calculations, and presenting information visually make it an indispensable tool for professionals across various fields. By mastering advanced Excel techniques, individuals can significantly enhance their productivity and efficiency at work. This article explores the transformative impact of advanced Excel skills on workplace productivity, discussing key techniques and their practical applications in daily tasks. Advanced Excel skills can dramatically improve productivity by enabling users to efficiently manage and analyze large datasets, automate repetitive tasks, and create dynamic reports and dashboards that provide actionable insights. For instance, using advanced functions such as VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, and array formulas, professionals can quickly derive meaningful information from extensive data sets without manual intervention. Additionally, mastering pivot tables and charts allows for the agile handling of data to identify trends and make informed decisions swiftly. The Impact of Advanced Excel Skills on Workplace Productivity Automating workflows with macros and Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is another significant advantage. By automating routine tasks, such as data entry, formatting, and calculation processes, employees can focus on more strategic activities that add value to the business. This not only speeds up the workflow but also reduces the likelihood of human error, enhancing the overall quality of work. Advanced Data Analysis Techniques Advanced Excel users leverage a range of sophisticated analytical tools to solve complex problems. Tools like data validation and conditional formatting help ensure the accuracy and consistency of data entry. Excel’s advanced filtering capabilities and the use of slicers in pivot tables enhance interactive data exploration, making it easier to drill down into specifics and uncover key metrics. Statistical functions and data analysis tools, such as regression analysis and hypothesis testing, are also integral to Excel. These features empower users to perform advanced statistical analyses required in fields like finance, research, and marketing, providing a deeper understanding of patterns and relationships within data. Visualization and Reporting Enhancements Effective data visualization is crucial for conveying complex information succinctly and persuasively. Advanced Excel skills enable the creation of enhanced visual reports that communicate data insights more effectively. Techniques such as creating advanced charts (e.g., waterfall charts, Gantt charts) and integrating Excel with Power BI for dashboard reporting transform raw data into visual stories that are easy to understand and compelling. These visualization tools are not just about aesthetics; they provide clarity and prompt faster decision-making, which is particularly valuable in high-stakes business environments where timely information is crucial. Real-World Applications of Advanced Excel Skills The practical applications of advanced Excel skills are vast and varied. In finance, Excel is used for complex financial modeling and risk analysis. Marketing professionals use Excel to track performance metrics and calculate ROI on campaigns. Human resources departments rely on Excel for workforce planning and analysis. For instance, a financial analyst might use Excel to develop a predictive model for future revenue streams based on historical data, while a marketing manager might use it to analyze customer behavior patterns to tailor marketing strategies effectively. The ability to effectively utilize advanced Excel techniques significantly enhances workplace productivity and decision-making. As businesses increasingly rely on data to drive their operations, the demand for proficient Excel users is likely to grow. For professionals looking to excel in their careers, investing time in mastering these skills can offer a significant competitive advantage, leading to improved job performance and opportunities for advancement.

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Table of Contents

Word: Create a Table of Contents

Ever wonder if there is an easy way to create a Table of Contents? If you use the Styles group options to create your documents, then there is an extremely easy way to create it. The Table of Contents command, located in the References tab, uses styles to determine what should be listed in the Table of Contents. Once the document is formatted, and depending on the Table of Contents option selected, place the cursor on the page and location that you would like to have the Table of Contents populated. In most cases, this will be page 2 of the document. Click the command dropdown and select the preferred table formatting. Note that the options show which styles to use, when planning your Table of Contents. Let’s check out an example of what it looks like. Sample: Table of Contents: To update the Table of Contents, you simply click inside of table and click the Update Table command. A new dialog box will appear, asking if the whole table should be updated or only the page numbers. Any added headers will be updated in the Table of Contents. For more ways to make editing documents easier, check out AETC’s Word Training Classes.

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Engaging PowerPoint Presentations – Art of Expansion

PowerPoint Presentations that Keep Them Listening Have you sometimes noticed that your audience is not fully engaged with your presentation? Maybe they pay attention for a minute or two, but then they redirect their attention to their phone. Do you notice that fellow employees would prefer talking to each other or taking a nap, instead of following your presentation? How do you make sure you are giving engaging PowerPoint presentations? One thing to check is your presentation layout. PowerPoint slides are meant to be a placeholder, not a read-a-long. It is very easy to fall into the trap of giving your audience all the relevant information on the slide, leaving no reason to listen to your spoken words. If they know what you are going to say, before you say it, then it is the have no reason to pay attention; they already have gotten everything you have to offer. If you want a presentation that does not put people to sleep, it is important to learn the art of expansion.  When people are not sure what is going to be said, but have an idea of the subject matter, they are more likely to pay attention. Less is more, when it comes to PowerPoint. The art of expansion is being able to take a word or phrase and expand on the idea for two to ten minutes. For example, if you take the word ball, you can probably think of a story from your childhood that involved a ball, and spend 5 minutes talking about the experience. You could probably make up a story, or use a story from something you witnessed, and no one would be the wiser. It is no different for work-related information, except that you do not want to make stuff up to get your point across. For example, take the slide below, and notice there are only three words listed. The presenter, of well-prepared, will be ale to discuss each of the topics listed on the slide, giving the presentation substance. This technique allows the audience to understand the general ideas of this portion of the presentation, but demands that they continue to pay attention to get the full picture. Of course, not everyone can remember two to ten minutes of details on each main concept of their presentation. Such notes can be saved in Presenter’s Mode of PowerPoint, keeping the presenter on track, and not putting their audience to sleep. Learn all the ways to keep your audience riveted to your PowerPoint presentations, with a class from AdvantEdge Training & Consulting.

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Management, Virtual Employee Management

Effectively Manage Remote Employees

Quickly disappearing are the days of companies where all employees are based in one office.  In our globally shrinking competitive landscape, drivers for this change include: speed to service, less travel cost with clients being spread out, and improved customer service.   This creates challenges in company expectations of remote employees, and in effectively managing a remote workforce. Managing remote employees can prove rewarding, liberating and fulfilling . . . or you can feel like an empty nest parent whose kids don’t stay in touch.  You can’t manage a team of remotely dispersed employees with all of the same techniques, which used in the past, for supervising a group based in the same office.  There are some specific skills and techniques you need to use as a manager to make sure you have a strong team that doesn’t feel disconnected by the miles. Get the right skills to manage remote employees MCT’s online Remote Employee Management course teaches you the techniques you can employee to make sure you have a strong team, including: Keeping Remote Employees on Track – Remote employees are more apt to stray off course, by focusing on what they think is important, rather than what you think is important.  Its not that they are being malicious; they can just become easily disconnected with the overall objectives of the team and company when they are teleworking.  In this module, you will learn how to keep them on the right path, by setting clear visions and expectations, so there is no confusion about how they can be a successful part of the team. Increase and Don’t Delay Communication – With a virtual team, how can you make sure that they are getting the information they need without information overload? How do you insure that you are using the correct communication tools?  What is the appropriate way to communicate with a virtual team?  In this module, we will cover the different communication tools and channels to use, how to make your meetings run efficiently, and how to ensure you are engaged in accurate communication with your team, ensuring that they are getting the info they need to work just as if all in one office. Building Team Strength and Developing Trust – If not managed correctly, remote and teleworking teams are really not teams.  Instead they become a bunch of individuals working alone in silos that happen to report to the same manager.   However, that doesn’t have to be the case.  If managed correctly, remote teams can be strong, closer, and work better together than those based in the same office.  In this module you will learn how to create dynamic and interactive teams that have a closely woven team community, and strong trust, with mutual respect.  You will also learn how you can insure that your communication with them is clear and credible. Creating Accountability – One of the biggest company fears about a teleworking teams is that they will not be working when you can’t see them.  Unfortunately, this fear can lead to a micro-management style that gets you the opposite results of what you want.  So how can you hold your team accountable without becoming an micro-manager?  This module shows you how to empower your employees to manage themselves and how to create an accountability tracking system so YOU don’t have to be that system. Coaching Remote Employees – How can you effectively coach and develop your team of virtual employees when they are not based in the same office with you? Motivating Remote Employees – A team of dispersed working employees need a self-charged motivation technique.  How do you keep them excited and engaged in their work and with the team?  This module will show you techniques to create that self-charged motivation.  Also you will learn how to get your team as excited about work as they are about playing. Take the online course, or have us come to your location for a private group training for your management team.

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Management 101 – The Basics

Have you recently stepped into a Management role, or are you planning to in the near future?  Management is both a very rewarding and challenging job all, if it is done right.  You must be a leader, coach, and motivator for your team. Ultimately, you work for your employees.  You are the person who removes obstacles for them, helps them succeed, you are their representative to the company, ensure they get needed company information, get them needed training and feedback, lead them by example, show them how to reach the vision through defining expectations and goals.  Basically, your job is to help them reach the finish line.  Whew!  And all of this has to happen while doing other job tasks for your company. So how do you know if you are doing all of that successfully?  Here are the 6 keys to successfully managing a team of employees: Lay a Clear Foundation – No one wants to do a bad job. But employees often fail because they have a misunderstanding of what doing a good job looks like.  It is important as a manager to lay  very clear groundwork for what is expected of employees to be successful.  This will help keep your team on track toward the same purpose and results. Create Accountability Systems – If you don’t create an accountability system for your employees, then YOU will have to be that system, meaning you will always have to micro-manage all of their tasks to see if they are completing them. Instead, create an accountability system where they report their progress to you, therefore holding themselves accountable and managing themselves at task level.  This will give them the responsibility of meeting their goals, with less headache for you, and generate a more collaborative and engaged work environment. Engage in Active Listening and Empathy – You have to care about your employees as individuals and you have to let them know you do, if you want to have a high level of respect and trust within your team. Two important ways to do this are to engage in active listening when interacting with them, as well as demonstrating empathy.  It is also important to find ways to foster this practice among team members as well. Pro-Active, Candid, and Ongoing Coaching – Good coaches coach before, during, and after the game. So make sure you are always finding opportunities to coach your employees, on good as well as not so good behaviors.  The moment we stop developing our employees (even our best of the bunch) is the moment we are telling them we don’t care about them. Develop a Team Culture – Team cohesion and strength doesn’t just happen on its own. It takes some fostering on your part, as a manager.  You need to find opportunities for your team members to work together on projects, as well as to learn who each of their team mates are as individuals outside of what they just do as a work role. Ask Questions – Too often as managers, we can fall into the “fix-it” role, where we are always in problem solving mode. Although it is true that we need to be there for our teams to help solve issues, we can be better at it if we learn to stop and ask questions first, before we jump in.  If we jump in to solve issues right away, we become part of the chaos.  Instead, it’s important to always be in analysis mode first, and gather as much information as possible before we offer solutions or opinions.  Better yet, guide your employees down the path of solving issues themselves, by engaging them in discussions around solutions, by asking questions rather than providing answers. Want to learn how to incorporate each of these keys into your management style?  AETC’s Management 101 class will give you all these tools and more to get you on your way to having a productive and engaged team of employees.

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Management, Professional Development

Developing your Organization’s Training Program

Anyone who has tried it knows that employee development and training is not as easy as just bringing in an SME to ramble on and on about what they know. There are quite a few hurdles to get over just to get something on the schedule, not to mention to ensure a quality learning experience.You may work with training providers (or in-house instructors) regularly, or on an as-needed basis; or, possibly, you have not had to work through what your organization’s training needs are yet. In any case, here are a few things to consider when planning an employee-training event: Subject Matter Experts are NOT the same as professional instructors. Would you want to learn piano from Beethoven? While it is obvious that an instructor needs to know their course, they also need to understand and practice adult learning principles, or none of that lovely content will be retained after class lets out. A good instructor can simultaneously wrangle the distracted student (cell phones?), the heckler, the know-it-all, and the daydreamer, all while keeping the class interesting and on pace.Look for a training provider that has true, professional instructors who understand adult learning theories, and have experience actually teaching. Course content matters. There are plenty of books out there that offer insight into the topic you are interested in. Many read like instructions for assembling furniture. Some try to cover every single bit of minutia related to the topic, while others are too vague to be useful. The best content does several things at once. It brings the student into the topic and keeps them engaged. It changes pace and delivery, keeping people interested and active. It covers material that is important to the student, their role and function, and their personal life. It is information dense, while not requiring a PhD to understand.Ask potential training providers about their courses. Where do they get their content? How often is it updated? How long have they been using it? Can it be tailored to fit your specific situation, needs, and goals? The best providers will develop courses in-house (Instructional design). Logistics. With most training companies offering self-paced, on-line classes, there are a wealth of show times to be had. But what if you want good, old fashioned in-person instruction? Where do you go? How do you know if it is what you need? Will it be a conference room at the hotel by the airport, or an actual classroom? In addition, what comes with the class?A solid training company will offer live, in-person, hands-on instruction, not as a special arrangement this one time, but as their default method to be able to teach on-site. Logistics are very different for one or two people than they are for a larger group; so look for policies that take different scenarios into account, and not a one-size-fits-all philosophy. Support. All right, you have planned your party. So, will anyone show up? The biggest fear training planners (OD, HR, and managers) have is going through the work to schedule training, and then no one shows. Also, what happens after class? Will your folks be left alone in the cold?If you really want to be assured that your training provider understands ALL facets of employee development, ask them if they help drive attendance to your classes. How do they help pack a room once the training is scheduled? Then, after training, is there any additional support? What can they do to help people use what they just learned? If they do not offer these support services, why not?At the end of the day, there is more to it than just sitting someone in front of a monitor to watch a video. Look for effective instructors, meaningful course content and class materials, and expect support throughout the training, and beyond. Most important of all, there is no training quite as effective as live, in-person, hands-on training. Need more help developing an effective training program for your organization? AdvantEdge Training & Consulting has the expertise you need.  Contact our sales office for more information, including private group training, at (303) 900-8963, or [email protected].

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If you have at least 5 people we can create a session just for you.  Or, you can contact us for a private session. Contact Us

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