Let your Database Skills Evolve with Access

Database skills evolve
You are pretty good with MS Excel. You have used it for years, taken AdvantEdge Training’s Excel classes, and developed some impressive spreadsheets.

Now what? What else can you do with all that knowledge of logic, formulas, and data?
MS Access is the next level. Apply your knowledge to MS Access, and learn basic database organization and management, so you can develop and manage relational databases that take your data to that higher level.

Start off with our Access Basic class to gain the foundational skills of creating and managing a database, including gaining an understanding of the basic building blocks of a database, such as Fields, Records, and Queries.  You will also learn how to generate simple reports to put your database information to work for you.

Move on to our Intermediate level course, and get the skills needed to build more customizable forms, as well as employ more advanced queries. This class also gives you the tools needed to dynamically display the information generated in reports, as well as to explore data relationships with pivot tables.

Our Advanced Access course bridges the gap between Access and Structured Query Language, introducing SQL, as well as covering advanced concepts in Microsoft Access, such as macros, and Access integration with internet applications.

Need to master Access in a hurry? Our intensive Access Boot Camp covers all of the skills of Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Access in just five days’ time! This course even concludes with a workshop session, allowing you to employ your classroom knowledge in your real world projects.

You can bring your mastery of databases even further by following up with one of our SQL classes. SQL Fundamentals of Querying will give you the basics needed to use this language as a tool to implement logic and define instructions to retrieve needed information. SQL Advanced Querying will give you the ultimate power over your data, allowing you to manipulate your information with the advanced capabilities of the language, including indices and subqueries.

Register online or contact our sales office for more information, including private group training, at (303) 900-8963, or by filling out the Contact Us form.
See our full calendar of training classes, or all available course topics.

If you have at least 5 people we can create a session just for you.  Or, you can contact us for a private session. Contact Us

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AdvantEdge Training & Consulting, Inc.

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