Past Classes from March 11, 2022 – September 29, 2022 › Leadership & Management › – AdvantEdge Training & Consulting

Managing Remote Employees Training


Managing Remote Employees Training Class Duration: 7 hours Format: Virtual classroom live training Managing remote employees can prove rewarding, liberating and fulfilling, or you can feel like an empty nest parent whose kids don’t stay in touch. Building teamwork, trust and trackability are three cornerstones of effective remote management of virtual employees. Learn how to build credibility and confidence with a virtual workforce. Training Class Goals Micro-managing vs. micro-monitoring. Often, the difference between resentment and resilience occurs in the subtleties of remote employee management. If virtual employees feel “Big Brother” is watching, they will naturally tend to become defensive. On the other hand, if they feel supported and know they have a safety net, positive results are likely to follow. This class will help managers learn how to: Motivate remote employees Create an accountability system Understand the different communication needs Create a tightly-knit team that stays connected and productive Prerequisites There are no requirements to attend this class Topics Covered Leading a remote team Setting the vision – how to communicate the team vision and keep employees focused on it in their work efforts. Creating expectations – how to clearly communicate and set performance and team expectations to ensure employees move toward common objectives correctly. Communicating WIIFMs – drive employees toward goals by communicating the benefits to them “what’s in it for me.” Communication Quantity and quality – increased communication needed with remote employees Communication vehicles – the different ways to communicate with a distributed workforce and when and how to use them Picking the appropriate option for different situations How and when to have team meetings Accessibility – establishing your credibility through commitments, guidance, and owning decisions Micro-Monitoring vs. Micro-Managing Creating and using tools to enable employees to manage themselves and track their own performance Increasing responsibility to decrease management time Setting goals – how to engage employees in their own development Managing to expectations Monitoring tools What can be monitored & how to monitor What can be managed & how to manage Development of remote employees Training – methods for training remote employees, when to use each Skill vs. talent training On-going mentoring – development as a continuous process Reactionary vs. proactive Socratic coaching How to give good feedback Performance reviews and feedback – frequency, how to conduct and communicate, evaluating team Identifying skills vs talent performance Motivating remote employees Creating leaders and building ownership Empowering employees – enabling employees by giving them decision opportunities. Turning work into play Ways to reward a virtual team No vs. low vs. high cost options Public vs. private reward systems Disciplining remote employees Action plans Key items to include How to deliver How to monitor Handling conflicts between remote team members Hiring remote employees Ideal traits of the remote employee Using the remote employee skill assessment Implementing remote management skills Creating action plans, getting immediate results.


Management 101 Training


Management 101 Training Class Duration: 7 hours Format: Virtual classroom live training Have you just stepped into a new management role? Or are you an experienced manager who knows they can be more effective, but aren't sure how to get there? This course provides you with the tools and skills you need to embark, or move forward, on the Management path. With this course you will receive the basic leadership and management training needed to get started in your new management role. Learn how to create the structure for your team, and how to manage the people to make your team successful. You will learn how to hire the right people, how to create the vision and goals of the team, and how to ensure your employees know what is expected of them. You will also learn how to keep them on track, hold them accountable, and motivate them, to ensure the most success. The training will also cover key communication skills in coaching your employees, holding successful meetings, and establishing your credibility. Whether you are just getting started in management, or need to shake off some bad habits and get your management career back on solid ground, this course will get you the skills you need. Training Class Goals Understand how to create an engaged and motivated team, driven to reach goals Create an accountability system to keep employees on track Apply effective coaching and feedback strategies that produce results Set goals that employees can understand and stick to Understand how to deal with employee issues and tools for taking corrective action Learn how to interview and hire the best candidates for your team Prerequisites There are no requirements to attend this class. Topics Covered Leadership to inspire your employees Creating a vision and mission for your team The roles and focus areas of a manager How to track and measure employee performance Creating accountability Performance planning Setting SMART Goals Developing employees Communication skills when dealing with your employees Identifying employee issues Running effective meetings Coaching techniques for successful outcomes Giving good feedback What is motivation? Ways to truly motivate employees What is motivation? How to reward employees on a minimal budget Employee performance Doing effective performance reviews Creating performance/action plans Handling employee conflicts Additional Areas Creating trust in your team Critical thinking How do you hire the best employees? Learn how to with behavioral interviewing and skill and talent targeting. Leadership and Management Training is a critical component to being a successful manager. All too often, managers are thrown into new management roles without being given the proper tools and techniques to enable their success. Management is a skill that can be developed with the right training. This course will give you the toolbox of critical things you will need to get you started.


Emotionally Intelligent Leadership


Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Training Class Duration: 7 hours Format: Virtual classroom live training In the Emotionally Intelligence Leadership training you will learn how to employ EI techniques to maximize your leadership influence. Whether you are a manager, supervisor, or leader or others, this course will help you refine the skills needed to lead so others follow. Learn how to read and influence others' emotions, anticipate other's behaviors, frame your communications and responses for maximum impact, develop the skills to be more effective in communication, manage conflicts better, and get people from no to yes. Training Class Goals This course will help you build your leadership toolbox with EI tools, strategies, and approaches to help you be a successful leader who others want to follow. Prerequisites None – this course is good for anyone who manages, supervises, or leads employees, or who is looking to move into one of those roles. Topics Covered What is Emotional Intelligence and why is it important for Leaders? The 3 Strategic Components of EI The 5 steps to begin an EI response Reading ourselves Understanding your Self-Perception Emotional Self Awareness Adjusting our Self-Expressions Understanding triggers Patterns, Habits and Baggage Communication focus areas Understanding Impulse Control Communication for Leaders Understanding and reading others Filtering through the noise Non-verbal techniques Creating communication consistency Using empathy to grow relationships Diffusing emotion in others to improve communications Avoiding emotional shark attacks Behaviors that don't BODE well Changing reactions Improving Communications with Another Interpersonal techniques Social responsibility Building company relationships Turing pessimists into optimists Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Training is a critical component to being a successful businessperson and manager. EI Leadership is a skill that can be developed with the right training. This course will give you the toolbox of critical things you will need to get you started. Our courses are designed specifically for companies and their employees.

If you have at least 5 people we can create a session just for you.  Or, you can contact us for a private session. Contact Us

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